Meter Distance & Pattern Size Calculator

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This tool allows you to calculate the pattern size of a rectangular patch on screen and then use the dimensions to calculate the maximum off-screen meter distance for colorimeter and spectrometer.

The FWHM (Full Width Half Max) distance and the TLT (Total Light Termination) distance calculated by the tool is the maximum distance you can position the meter off-screen in order for the probe to read the entire, full size patch with the probe perfectly aimed towards the on-screen patch.

Since probes such as the i1 Display Pro (i1D3) or i1Pro/2 do not have positioning lasers it is recommended to move the probe closer to the screen (than the maximum distance calculated by this tool) to ensure that the probe's "reading zone" is within the patch.

Here's an overview of the main options features:

  • Choose your meter: choose the meter that you are using.
  • Calculate By: this option defines whether the pattern size and (then from that) the meter distance (Full Width Half Max Angle distance & Total Light Termination Angle distance) will be calculated from either the active screen area diagonal and the screen aspect ratio or by the active screen area width and height. Simply choose the option that is more convenient to you.
  • Pattern Size: this field is optional. The tool will automatically calculate all data for the Lumagen Small and the Lumagen Large patterns. If you specify a value here, then the tool will calculate the data for this pattern size as well.

Screenshot of main options interface

Screenshot of meter distance and pattern size output

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