Color Patch Sequence Viewer

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Color Patch Sequence Viewer

The Color Patch Sequence Viewer outputs detailed color patch set statistics including 2D Hue|Saturation|Brightness graphs and a 3D RGB Color Cube (with zoom/rotate/filter functionality) that allows you to analyze and visualize any color patch set.

You can load patch sequences that you have created in the past, patch sets that you have received from peers or downloaded from the internet - in either case it is very useful to know what you'll be using for display profiling before you invest time running a long profiling session.

Supported file types are color patch sequence files for Lightspace (.csv files), Calman (.ccfx files) and Argyll (.ti1/.ti3 files). Supported bit depths are 8, 10 and 12-bit.


  • Specify a .csv, .ccfx or .ti1/.ti3 file containing a color patch sequence. Lightspace uses .csv files, Calman uses .ccfx files and Argyll uses .ti1 and .ti3 files.
  • The bit depth option is only required for .csv (Lightspace) files. If you don't know the bit depth of the .csv patch sequence, choose 8-bit.
  • Show greyscale points in brightness chart (checked by default) is an option that allows you to include/exclude greyscale points in the brightness chart display. If you have custom greyscale points in a grid sequence it is convenient to exclude these points for a more uniform display of all other points.
  • Graph type allows you to set the default graph type for the Hue, Saturation and Brightness graphs. Bars is the default choice, and is the best option to spot "holes" in the distribution of the hues, saturation points and brightness points. You can always change the graph type again by using the Update graph interface below each graph.
  • Collapse H|S|B statistics allows you to hide the detailed hue points / saturation points / brightness points statistics (displayed below the corresponding graph) by default. You can always show the data again by clicking on the Show Statistics link.

If errors (or inconsistencies) were found in the data, they will be listed at the bottom of the page. If you need an explanation of the profile statistics, please go here.

Below is an example evaluation of a hybrid 17p color patch set with custom 26 point greyscale and linear patches, that was created via our Custom Color Patch Sequence Generator:

Screenshot of Options Interface

Custom Patch Set Viewer Options Interface

Screenshots of Profile Overview & HSB Hue Graph of a 17^3 grid sequence patch set with custom 26 point Greyscale. Screenshot shows all 4 graph types displaying the same Hue data. The detailed Hue statistics were displayed (and then cut off) in the first image and hidden in all other images. As can be seen on the graphs, displaying the same data in different ways reveals specific characteristics of the patch sequence.

Profile Overview & Hue Statistics Of Custom 17^3 Grid Sequence Patch Set With Custom 26 Point Greyscale

Screenshots of HSB Saturation Graph showing all 4 graph types displaying Saturation data of the same color patch sequence. The detailed Saturation statistics were displayed (and then cut off) in the first image and hidden in all other images. As can be seen on the graphs, displaying the same data in different ways reveals specific characteristics of the patch sequence.

Saturation Statistics Of Custom 17^3 Grid Sequence Patch Set With Custom 26 Point Greyscale

Screenshots of HSB Brightness Graph showing all 4 graph types displaying Brightness data of the same color patch sequence. The detailed Brightness statistics were displayed (and then cut off) in the first image and hidden in all other images. As can be seen on the graphs, displaying the same data in different ways reveals specific characteristics of the patch sequence.

Brightness Statistics Of Custom 17^3 Grid Sequence Patch Set With Custom 26 Point Greyscale

Screenshot of 3D RGB Color Cube of a 17^3 grid sequence patch set with custom 26 point Greyscale

3D RGB Color Cube Of A 17^3 Grid Sequence Patch Set With Custom 26 Point Greyscale

Screenshot of 3D RGB Color Cube of a custom 9,137 patch set

3D RGB Color Cube Of Color Custom 9,137 Point Patch Set

Screenshot of 3D RGB Color Cube of a custom grid sequence patch set with point size set to 4 and filtered by Blue & Cyan color points

3D RGB Color Cube - Color Points Filtered By Blue & Cyan